This is why I snooze...

So they say your creative prowess peaks for those crazy, crafty folk around 11am and 10pm. But I find my most creative time of day to be late night! Clearly last night I reached my "wide-eyed and bushy-tailed" mode between 12am to 2:30 a.m. I'd been working on this painting for my mom's birthday for about a good solid 4 hours, and I am regretting not having taken a picture of its progress from Monday night.

Anyways, after meticulously painting til the wee hours of the morning, I finally stepped back and came to terms of a final stopping point! Here's a detail shot of what I think looks like Where's Waldo when he was 8. Happy Birthday, Mom! Hope this Venetian canal scene brings back fond memories from our Italy trip several years ago!


Pauline said...

This looks so awesome!! She will love it!

Cat said...

I agree-it looks great!

Meg said...

Girl, you have some serious skills! Remember us little people when you become rich and famous!